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Welcome to DoNotReferer.Me!

Many modern sites have moved to using the URL hash section for navigation and passing of data (like encryption keys).

I could not find any referer hiding services that would include the hash, so I decided to create a simple one.

This site replaces your sites referer header with DoNotReferer.me
This is good for preventing websites from knowing where your visitors are coming from.
Yay, reduced tracking!!!

To use, just put https://DoNotReferer.Me/# in front of your links.
You can also use a question mark instead of the hash for compatibility with similar services, however the URL will be sent to the server and also passed to the redirected host. The site will redirect question mark URLs to a hash URL first.

Examples: Donations: Notes: Takedown: While this site does not intentionally record anything about users, that could change. There is no expectation of privacy.